Friday, December 20, 2013

The Best Gift

When it comes to gift giving at Christmas, many of us struggle to find the “perfect” gift for that special person. We want it to be something they will remember, really like and value. I try to make it easy for my family because there are only two gifts I ever really want, a gift certificate from either the Apple Store or Nordstrom’s. I take my gift certificates and cash in on the post holiday sales and really enjoy myself. But every year my family tells me that giving me gifts is “boring.”

What was the best gift you ever got for Christmas? When asked that question many people respond with a standout gift they received as a child. It might have been their first bicycle, that Nintendo console, a construction kit, cell phone or the new puppy. As parents we are likely to remember the smiles on our children's faces when they opened up the gifts they most wanted. Then of course, there are the cards and Christmas ornaments made by our children that reappear each year for their place of honor on our tree.

Some people cherish the memory of a special Christmas when their parent came home from a war zone early, or the whole family was able to gather together for the first time in many years. I remember one friend telling me that his best Christmas gift was being told by his wife that they were expecting their first child.

Most of us find our gift list with a limited number of names challenging enough, but what if your gift list included every human being on earth? How could you possibly find the best gift for all of them?

This is exactly the situation that faced Father God 2000 years ago during the first Christmas. He had an alienated family, many of whom were lost, in despair and searching for something that always kept eluding them. But Father God knew exactly what to give because He had been planning for that Christmas for an eternity before He even created the world.

He gave the most extravagant gift He could. He gave us His only Son, Jesus. He wanted us to understand how very much He loves us and how priceless we are to Him. So Jesus came to demonstrate what the Father is really like and what His true intentions are towards us. Father God gave us His best gift knowing in advance we would reject His son and put Him to death.

Father God did not retaliate against us, but actually allowed His Son to die in our place bearing the punishment we deserved. He then raised Jesus from the dead to show us that death is not the final word, and that we have nothing to fear because knowing the worst about us, Father God continues to love us anyway.

Christmas is about love and giving. Christmas is Father God's idea. He is offering you the best Christmas gift you could ever receive, life and love in His Son, Jesus Christ. Say “yes” to Him and make this the most memorable Christmas of your life!

Please join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM or 2:00 PM. Come and hear about the best Christmas gift. My sermon is “Jesus, He will save His people from their sins”. There will also be a special Christmas production play entitled, “Second Chances”. I invite you to join us for a wonderful Christmas celebration, as there is something for everyone in the family.

Pastor Che

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