Friday, July 27, 2012

Do Something!

As a pastor, because people come to me so frequently seeking advice and counsel, it would be easy to believe that I know more than I do. I determined years ago when I first entered the ministry, that I would stay teachable, that is, open to consider the wisdom of others no matter who they might be. And over the years I have found that wisdom can come from unlikely sources, even children, and even my dog, Madison.

Madison is our English mastiff. She's light tan in color with a ferocious bark that sounds like she's going to swallow you whole. But that's just show. Madi is really 150 pounds of slobbering affection. When I can, I try to take Madi out for some exercise, which is usually a walk. Not a power walk mind you. Madi and I prefer to saunter leisurely.

A few weeks ago, Madi and I were making the rounds in our neighborhood and came upon a homeless man sitting in the shade of a tree. We were a block away when I spotted him, and I'm ashamed to say I started to cross the street to proceed down the other side, simply to avoid an encounter. But I was too late. Madison also spotted him, and began panting in anticipation, pulling on the leash. You see, Madison loves to meet and greet people. It's hard to resist 150 pounds incessantly pulling on your arm, so I gave in and continued down the sidewalk.

I mumbled, “Hello,” as we approached, but Madison lunged forward planting several huge slobbery dog kisses on his face. I was going to apologize for Madison's behavior, when the man began petting her and laughing out loud.

“That's a great dog you got there,” he said. “What kind of dog is it? I'm not sure I've ever seen a dog that huge!” We spent the next few minutes mostly talking about dogs. I explained how mastiffs are ancient watchdogs, but very loyal and affectionate. He told me about dogs he had owned, mostly shepherd collie mixes. We laughed together as we each exchanged a few humorous stories about our dogs

I suddenly felt very self-conscious, realizing I was talking to a homeless person and I had nothing to offer him. “Hey, I'm really sorry, but I don't have any money on me right now,” I mumbled apologetically. The man immediately replied, “That's okay.” Then he looked up at me with the most sincere blue eyes, and with a soft voice said, “Thanks for the conversation man. I really appreciate it.”

I continued walking with Madi down the sidewalk, but I realized I had just learned a valuable lesson. I only saw the man's poverty and his need for money. Madison saw a human being, someone to greet and give affection to, just like anyone else. All I did was talk with that man, but he appreciated so much the simple act of being seen and interacted with like a regular person.

My wife and I support relief programs around the world, and I travel for our own Harvest International Ministry (HIM), feeding and clothing orphans in a number of countries. But that day I realized that I don't always “see” the poor. I see their needs, but I don't encounter them as unique individuals with something to offer me.

All of us are aware that these are hard economic times and many people are experiencing lack. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I want to encourage you to do something! It doesn't have to be complicated, or time-consuming. It can be as simple as really seeing the poor person in front of you, and giving a smile and a few words of genuine interaction. God considers our care for the poor a personal loan. “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will reward him for what he has done.” (Proverbs 19:17)

Come join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. We will be discussing, “Being Christlike by Giving to the Poor.”

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hope Against Hope

The Summer Olympics are one of my favorite athletic events. In the last few weeks, a number of Olympic trials have been held to determine spots on our Olympic team. Despite the fact that these athletes are the best of the best that our country has to offer, only 2 or 3 of them are selected in each event. The odds of any individual athlete making the Olympic team are so miniscule that it is close to hopeless. Yet every athlete who ends up contending at the Olympics, carries the fire of hope against hope within them, that makes them pursue a medal with everything they have. They patiently persevere for years, practicing many hours a day, constantly challenging themselves to build greater skill and ability.
In some ways, our lives are like an Olympic trial. We must persevere day after day, and often year after year facing one difficulty and challenge after another. Sometimes the odds against us seem overwhelming, and we struggle to find the hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

I am reminded of the story of a young man who was cast out of his family. He ended up in a foreign country working for a government official. He had a good job, but unfortunately the official’s wife tried to hustle him. When he turned her down, she framed him, falsely accusing him of rape. Since he was a foreigner, he ended up in prison with no trial date and no possibility of release. Amazingly, his business and organizational skills made him stand out even in prison, and he was given a position of responsibility with some privileges.
Over the course of several years he met many prisoners, one of whom worked for the head of state of that country. When that prisoner was released, he promised the young man he would make some contacts about getting his case reviewed. However several years went by, and the young man did not hear from his former friend. I think you would agree with me, that at that point the young man had every right to throw his hands up in despair and say, “What's the use? I quit!” But he didn't and his situation did change. In the end he came out of prison and ended up as a chief advisor to that head of state.
While that may sound like a storyline for a Hollywood movie, is actually the true story of a young man in the Bible named Joseph. Every time a little bit of sunshine came into his situation, another dark cloud of challenge pounded him down. Yet he still persevered on. What gave him this hope against hope? He had received a promise from God years before about his life, and he held fast to that word.
Joseph knew the truth of Hebrews 6:18–19: “It is impossible for God to lie, and we who have fled to God for refuge have strong encouragement to hold fast the hope that is set before us. We have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor for our soul.” The apostle Paul put it this way: “I'm still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energy on this one thing: Forgetting the past, and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us to heaven.” (Philippians 3:13–14)
God has a promise about your destiny and purpose that will fill you with the hope against hope that overcomes every challenge and perseveres to the end. Ask Him for wisdom and He will reveal it to you.
Come join us this Sunday morning at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. We are beginning a new series entitled, “Growing in Christlike Character,” and this week we are focusing on, “Growing in Christlike Character through Trials.”