Friday, October 18, 2013

Beyond Healing

It's a beautiful summer's day at the beach with a light wind, perfect for sailing. As you look out over the marina, you see numerous sailboats taking advantage of the conditions. You notice one sailboat that appears to be having difficulty. In the bow of the boat several people are bailing water furiously, while in the stern, a man with an axe appears to be chopping a hole! As fast as the people can bail the water out, it is rushing in. They are keeping the boat afloat, but just barely!

I think anyone watching this scenario would agree that someone needs to address the man with the axe, not just keep bailing the water out. In ministering healing to people, I frequently see “returnees.” These are people who have received healing of one condition and are now returning for healing of a different condition. They are like the sailboat bailing water. They need more healing, but lack understanding that they can live in divine health.

Through the life of Jesus Christ, Father God demonstrates that His will is to provide healing for us. However healing is not His ultimate intention. He wants to give us something beyond healing, something that is much better, and that is a life of health. God established this desire when He promised Israel that if they would follow Him He would make their lives disease-free (Exodus 15:26). His plan was that people would enjoy perfect health all their lives.

Now you may be thinking, “What about growing old? Everyone seems to have some health issues as they grow old.”

You certainly are stating modern day reality, but Father God has always intended a better life for His children, a life of divine health. For example, Caleb was one of the 12 spies who originally went into Canaan when Israel came out of Egypt. He trusted God's promise and believed that Israel could conquer Canaan, but was overruled by 10 other spies who thought the task would be impossible.

Father God maintained Caleb's health and strength so that 40 years later, when he was 85, Caleb was as strong and fit as any young man. Scripture says that he was able to fight like any young warrior in taking the land of Canaan (Joshua 14:10–11).

Okay, we've all heard of someone who is older who isn’t aging like other people; but in the end you have to die of something, don't you? Actually, no, you don't. Although we all must die at some point, Father God wants to make this transition easy. The death of Moses is an excellent example of how God wants His children to leave earth and come to Him.

When Moses was 120 years old, God told him that it was time to leave earth. We are told that Moses’ vision was not dim and that he was still physically strong. So strong that he climbed a mountain where God gave him a glimpse of the promised land of Canaan. Then Moses quietly breathed his last. He wasn't sick. He didn't suffer. He simply left earth and entered the spirit realm.

There's more emphasis on healing in the church today, and more people than ever are getting healed. But I think it's time we understand there's something better beyond healing, and that is walking in divine health. The apostle John prayed for this understanding when he wrote, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” (3 John 2)

Come join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM when we will consider what it means to have a prosperous soul. My sermon is “Healing and a Prosperous Soul”. You are also invited to attend our 2:30 PM healing service.

Pastor Che

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