Friday, October 19, 2012

Giving: Love in Action

They are hardly everyday names: Margaret Anne Cargill, Wang Jianlin, Richard Jacobsen and Charles Feeney. Who are they? They are multimillionaires, or in some cases, billionaires who have each donated tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars to various charities, universities and research institutes. Unlike their more famous counterparts, these philanthropists elect to make their donations anonymously.

Before you spend time wondering why anyone would donate such vast sums without attaching their name, think about the last time you gave someone a gift. Did you include the sales slip so they knew how much the gift cost? Did you casually drop in conversation your cash outlay? Of course not! The point of your giving was the love and value you place in the person receiving the gift, not how much the gift cost you.

When we love and value someone, we naturally want to give to them, We desire to express our love to them in some way, and even when it may cost us dearly, we still want to give, and do it with joy. In fact, this selfless type of joyful giving is considered a hallmark of love.

We have all heard stories of the single mother, who works several jobs so her children are able to attend college, something she could never do. I remember hearing one well-known personality describe how his father took a second job six months before his 16th birthday, in order to be able to buy him a motorcycle. My own father immigrated to the United States to pastor a Korean church in the DC area, wanting to provide a better life for his family. It took him over two years to get the necessary documentation and funding so my mom and we kids could join him.

Giving is an expression of love. Giving is love in action. The greatest love gift of all time was given by Father God, and it was given to each one of us. John 3:16 tells us: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only, Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Father God loves us so much, that He spared no expense, but gave the costliest gift, the life of His Son, Jesus Christ. Scripture makes it clear that He did not do this begrudgingly, but actually the death of His Son pleased Father God. (Isaiah 53:10) He knew that Jesus was taking our sin upon Himself, thereby freeing us forever from the penalty of sin, and making us capable of receiving His love.

We are offered the love of God as a free gift and invited to give His love to others. God loves cheerful givers, those who are so in love with others that they don't stop to count the cost. In 2 Corinthians 9:6–7, we are told: “Now this I say, the person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one of you must give just as they have purposed in their heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Only giving that is motivated by love produces joy. Let God fill you with His love today, and discover the joy of putting that love into action through your own selfless giving!

Please join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. We are beginning a new series, “Supernatural Finances,” and I will be discussing “Five Financial Keys from Solomon.”

Pastor Che

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