Friday, August 24, 2012

Gifted for Life

My wife, Sue, has an incredible gift. She is the most encouraging person I have ever met. When our children were in school, Sue always managed to enclose a cheery note in their lunch each day, reminding them how wonderful they were. I travel a lot, and almost always somewhere in my suitcase, Sue has included one or more little love notes with words of encouragement. I'll find them folded in my pajamas or rolled up in my socks, just when I need them.

Sue's gift of encouragement ripples far beyond our family. She never misses an opportunity to thank staff and members of the congregation for the contributions they make. She has an incredible eye for detail, providing praise to the efforts of our most junior members, the young children. Her thoughtfulness flows forth so consistently, and gives her so much joy, that I know it is truly a gift.

One of the things I have learned to appreciate as a pastor, is the various gifts that members of the church bring to each other. When a situation arises, it is wonderful to watch the way people respond with their “giftings.”

For example, if an unwed, pregnant teenager shows up, someone organizes a drive to outfit her with maternity clothes. A member who is a social worker locates free pregnancy services at a local clinic. Another member volunteers to drive her to her clinic appointments, while two members of the youth group offer to be her birth partners and attend Lamaze classes with her. And someone else, who is a vocational nurse, puts her self “on call” to answer any questions about pregnancy or childbirth the “mom to be” might have. A businessman hires her part time to work in his sandwich shop, and the youth group throws her a baby shower.

Each person is offering what comes naturally to them, and what they enjoy doing. Without realizing it, they are gifting this young woman by validating her worth, making her feel welcome and wanted, and including her in the life of the community.

We all have natural interests and abilities or “giftings” that come from God (Ephesians 4:8; James 1:7) We can consume and waste them in selfishness, which leaves us feeling empty and hollow inside, or we can use them to give life to others, and in so doing enhance our own life.

Have you ever noticed how wonderful you feel after you've done an act of kindness to someone in need, no matter how small it might be? Did you ever wonder why it feels so good? When we extend our gifts to meet the needs of others, we are actually offering them life, giving them hope, encouragement, and joy. We are affirming they are valuable to us. We probably aren't aware, but we are doing a priestly act.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a priest? Probably not. But a priest is someone who stands between God and a person, and represents God to them. When we use our gifts to extend life to others, we are representing God to them. By offering life to others, we are actually giving our gift to God, and He shares His joy with us.

Be a priest today! Use your “giftings” to extend life to someone and reap the gift of joy in your own life!

Please join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. Our special guest speaker, prophet and seer, James Goll, will discuss how we live our lives as priests of God in his message titled, “You Were Meant for Ministry: Every Believer of Priest.”

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