Very superstitious, writings on the wall
Very superstitious, ladder ‘bout to fall
Thirteen month-old baby, broke the lookin’ glass
Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past
When you believe in things you don't understand
Then you suffer
Superstition ain't the way
("Superstition" by Stevie Wonder)
Are you superstitious? Before you immediately say, "Of course not!" stop for a moment and think about your behavior. Do you have a lucky number? Do you carry an object like a rabbit's foot, or charm, or hang a medallion or a crucifix from the rearview mirror in your car? Do you feel a little uncomfortable if you walk under a ladder, break a mirror, or a black cat crosses your path? Would you rather not fly on Friday the 13th? When you play sports, do you want to wear your "lucky shirt?" Do you check your horoscope every day?
Superstitions are beliefs that are not based on human reason or scientific knowledge. Primitive man often linked one event with another without understanding the process in the physical world that connected them. He would trust in magical thinking to protect him from things that he could not explain. For example a lightning bolt was thrown by an angry god and fertility was caused by a goddess. These gods and goddesses could be appeased or pleased by performing certain types of rituals or magic incantations.
As scientific explanations began to provide us with a more accurate understanding of how events occur in the natural world, superstitious behavior began to decrease in influence. With our current cultural emphasis on science and technology, we would expect that in modern society superstitions behaviors would disappear altogether, but they haven't. Superstitions continue to flourish.
Consider the fact that even today it is impossible to locate the 13th floor in a building. You can't pass by a fountain or a well that doesn't have a bunch of coins in it. We still cross our fingers for good luck and tell each other, "break a leg," before going on stage. Tourists visiting Ireland kiss the Blarney Stone and every baseball game we see the good luck ritual of each batter who comes to the plate. Many people believe they can get information about their future from tarot cards, palm reading or crystal balls, and carrying crystals to promote or avoid certain events has become popular.
Even though we have natural explanations for most things, we still have the desire to exert extra control to ensure that we avoid bad things and bring good things into our lives. I don't think this desire is based only on wishful thinking or superstition. We were originally created in God’s image for the purpose of having dominion in the earth. We were supposed to exert a positive influence over what happens here. We forfeited that power when we rebelled against God and chose our own way, but God did not give up on us.
When Jesus Christ came to earth, died on the cross and rose again from the dead, He actually paid the ransom to restore our dominion to us. Whether we realize it or not, God has placed the control of blessing and cursing back into our hands. He tells us, "See this day, I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life that you and your descendents may live." (Deuteronomy 30:19) You're in control, what do you choose? Choose Jesus and live!
Come and join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. Our current series is "The Great Exchange," and the topic will be, "No Longer Cursed."
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