I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in junior high and my older sister was in high school. We had always been close, even as little children in Korea. We grew even closer when we came to the United States speaking no English, so we banded together as a supportive team.
But now all that had changed. Suddenly my sister was no longer communicating with me, but was constantly huddled with girlfriends in her bedroom amid lots of whispering and laughter. Naturally, I was curious, but every time I tried to listen in my sister would yell, "Che, get away from that door!"
She seemed to be preoccupied in some type of "altered" state with her mind constantly elsewhere. She spent more time than ever on the phone. Honestly I couldn't imagine having that much to say to anyone! She had obviously been taken over by some force, and I soon found out that force was a guy. You see my sister had "fallen in love," and was "going steady."
All her waking hours now seemed to be preoccupied with her boyfriend except for when she had to do her homework. Although I discovered girls at a young age, my sister’s behavior really seemed excessive and stupid. I remember thinking, "That will never happen to me!"
Boy was I wrong! A few short years later I was a sophomore in high school when I saw "her." She was the new girl and she was gorgeous! I became obsessed from the first moment I saw her, and soon discovered that my sisters "going steady behavior" made perfect sense.
Remember "going steady?" You were attracted to someone and they became the focus of your attention. When you were with them you seldom thought about anything or anyone else, and when you were away from them you couldn't wait to be with them again. There always seemed to be all sorts of things to talk about on the phone, although you could seldom remember what they were later. You wanted to do things with that person, buy things for them, take them places and be near them as much as you could. While it lasted, it was a wonderful experience in which you felt "fully alive," and on top of the world.
As we are all aware, the problem with the wonder and excitement of "going steady" was that it didn't last. Our fascination faded with time, but it was so great while it lasted. As we get older, we often substitute things like a career, hobby or recreational pursuits, and while we become very enthusiastic about them, they never match the all-encompassing fascination of that special relationship.
I think the reason that "going steady" affects us in such a powerful way is that we are wired to want an intense relationship with someone. God created us for a vital union with Himself. In 1 Peter 2:9 He tells us: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His perfect light."
God calls this exclusive focus on a relationship with him "holiness." It means to be set apart, and dedicated and consecrated to God. You see, God is deeply in love with us, and is inviting us to "go steady" with Him. He wants to satisfy our deepest desires for a fascinating and fulfilling relationship that never fades.
Please come join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. We will be discussing holiness and our relationship with God, another topic in our current series, "What's the H In HRock Church?"
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