Where did Christmas come from and just what does it mean anyway?
A brief look at history confirms the fact that Christmas as we celebrate it, is a meld of both Christian and pagan holiday traditions. The Roman, and many of the European cultures, celebrated the observance of the winter solstice. It was a time of feasting and drinking, and people brought evergreen branches inside their homes to commemorate the end of the shortening winter days and the return of sunlight. Some Christmas traditions clearly spring from these roots, for example: Christmas trees, using greenery for decorations, and the festive holiday meal.
The first record of Christmas was in the 4th century A.D. when Pope Julius I established December 25th as the official date for observing the birth of Christ. Over the next 500 years the holiday spread throughout Europe, and Christmas has continued to grow in influence until today, when at least one third of the world's population observes the day. It is clearly the most widely celebrated holiday on earth.
Christmas has also become the largest single economic stimulus worldwide. In the United States 25% of all personal spending occurs around the Christmas holiday season. More than one economist has stated that if Christmas did not exist, the US economy probably would crumble, and that the current state of US international economic strength may be attributable to activity related to Christmas alone.
Why has Christmas grown to be a holiday of such influence and magnitude? I think we can gain some clues by looking at what people find meaningful about Christmas. Although everyone enjoys the gift giving, decorations and holiday meal, most people state the most meaningful part of Christmas is reconnecting with family and friends. They describe it as a special season of generosity, giving to others, love and peace. One third of people state it is their favorite time of year, and even nonreligious people report enjoying Christmas. As one atheist put it, “As much as I hate every religion, Christmas is such a wonderful time!”
What is responsible for creating this incredible atmosphere? I think it is “background radiation” from the first Christmas, when God released a message into the universe and the cosmos has echoed it ever since. What was that message? Fortunately it is been recorded for us in the second chapter of the book of Luke.
We are told that an angelic host appeared to a group of shepherds on a lonely hill outside Bethlehem. Their announcement was clear and simple. They told the shepherds not to fear because they had good news that would bring great joy to all people who accepted it. They announced the birth of an Almighty Deliverer, anointed with all power and authority, who had come to restore peace to the earth, and to promote goodwill among all people who would receive Him. It was a message of reconciliation and love from Father God to all humankind.
We know that the shepherds heard this Christmas message and received it, because they immediately went and found the babe in a manger and worshiped him.
Christmas is still speaking. Are you listening? What have you done with the Christmas message?
Please join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM when we will continue to unwrap the gift of Christmas, God's son Jesus Christ. My sermon this week is “Wonderful Counselor,” the second in our current series on “A Prophetic Christmas.”
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