“If only…..” Have you ever said that to yourself? The holidays are a wonderful time, full of social gatherings with family and friends, and warm memories of past celebrations. For many, if not most of us, our memories include some “if only” moments that make us laugh or perhaps, wince. “If only I hadn’t made that comment to my wife about my mother-in-law’s gift, ‘Well this tie is certainly going to the back of the closet never to see the light of day!’ Then hearing my mother-in-law’s voice, directly at my back, say with forced cheer: ‘Eggnog anyone?’” Oops!
Sometimes our “if only” moments are more painful. “If only I had said no to that first drink. I was doing so well on my recovery program.” “If only my ex and I had remained civil, we wouldn’t have spoiled the day for the kids.” “If only I’d spent more time talking with my dad. How was I to know he’d have a fatal heart attack 2 weeks later?”
How often have you wished you could go back into the past to change the present and future? Wouldn’t it be great if that were actually possible? You could clean the slate, get a fresh start and have a better outcome. “If only” the past was accessible and correctable.
I think this common desire is part of the reason the 1985 sci-fi comedy, “Back to the Future,” was the most successful film that year, and has become an enduring classic. You remember what happens. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), a typical teenager in a typical southern California suburb, is accidentally transported in time (that incredible DeLorean) back to 1955, where he meets his parents as teenagers. In a comedy of errors, his teenage mother has a crush on him, and he must get his parents to fall in love, or his very existence is threatened.
Of course, he does it. But the way he does it has a positive impact on his parents’ future, so when he returns to the present, his parents are now in-love, physically fit and highly successful. I think most of us who see the film, think “If only.”
I love Christmas, because every year it reminds me that there is a real “If only…” There is a real way to erase the past mistakes and regrets, and change the present and future. God knew that the human race needed an opportunity to redo the past after Adam and Eve made the wrong choice in Eden. So 2,000 years ago, He sent His son, Jesus, into the world, born as an infant. His mission: to undo the wrong of Adam and Eve, and become the right through His obedient life, that sets all our past right.
By going “back to the past” 2000 years ago, and meeting and receiving our Savior, we can eradicate our “if onlys” and transform our present and future. “Anyone who comes to Jesus Christ has become a new person. Their old life is gone, and a new life has begun.” (2 Cor 5:17) God has literally made it possible for us to go “back to our future!”
Make this your most memorable Christmas ever! Accept God’s free gift of Jesus Christ and let Him take you back to your incredible future!
Please come join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM as we continue to discuss the significance of time. My sermon, “The Fullness of Time” is part 3 of our Christmas series.
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