Friday, April 25, 2014

When Two…… Become One

This is a week of incredible celebration for my wife, Sue and I. Right now we are in the middle of our annual Revival Alliance Conference, enjoying a beautiful move of the Holy Spirit. We are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of HRock Church, and this Saturday, April 26, our son Gabriel will marry the love of his life, Monica Chang. Monica is everything we have prayed for in a mate for Gabe, and we couldn't be happier for him!

As I anticipate their wedding, my mind is full of joy and hope that they will find a timeless love and a lifelong companionship in their marriage relationship. This news story, that broke a few days ago, is a beautiful illustration of just that type of relationship.

Kenneth and Helen Felumlee from Ohio recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. They were inseparable since meeting as teenagers, and were still so in love that they held hands every morning at breakfast. Helen, 92, died of old age on April 12, and Kenneth, 91, died 15 hours later. The couple are survived by their 8 children, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

One daughter commented, “Those two were so close, they were really one. We knew when one went, the other was going to go. Twelve hours after Mom went, Dad quickly began to fade. He was ready. He just didn't want to leave Mom by herself.” She stated that 24 close family members and friends surrounded her father's bedside and sang his favorite hymns, read Scripture and prayed with him. Throughout their lifetimes both of her parents taught Sunday school and were actively involved in the local Methodist Church. Their story of committed love has received nearly 5000 comments.

As I contemplated their love and dedication to each other, the Lord said, “This is a picture of the relationship I always wanted between Me and you.” He reminded me that when He created Adam, He breathed the life of His very own spirit into Adam, and Adam became one spirit with Him.

However when Adam sinned, he was separated from God. None of us will ever realize the depth of grief that separation brought to God as He mourned the loss of His relationship with us. He chose to join us in death, taking our sin upon Himself and raising us up together with Him in His resurrection. In that action, God offers to join Himself to us again in spirit, if we will only say “I do” to His love proposal.

Father God makes it clear that just as two become one in marriage, we become one with God when we say “yes” to Him. (Ephesians 5:31–32) So next time you attend a wedding, remember that God offers all of us the opportunity to join ourselves to Him. When we become one with God, everything He has is ours, including His promise of eternal love. He can never leave or forsake us, for we two have become one.

Please join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM. We have two outstanding speakers and a special event! Dr. Hong will be speaking at 9:00 AM and Dr. Mark Chironna at 11:00 AM.  The 1:00 PM service this week is the graduation ceremony for our School of Supernatural Ministry (SSM). Everyone is welcome to attend.

Pastor Che

Friday, April 18, 2014

“Love… as I have Loved”

I think we can all agree that the last words a person speaks are very important, perhaps the most important words they have ever spoken. Today we remember the final hours of Christ's life before He was crucified. Scripture tells us that the night before He died, “Jesus knew that His time had come to leave this world and return to His Father. He had loved His disciples during His ministry on earth, and now He loved them to the very end.” (John 13:1)

In His final moments with His disciples, Jesus took one last opportunity to give them His most important object lesson, and leave them with His most important commandment. He became their servant by washing the feet of each one of them and he told them, “Love one another, even as I have loved you.” (John 13:34–35)

Of all the things Jesus could have done and said, why did He leave them with this action and these words? I think the key lies in the statement, “… and now He loved them to the very end.” He wanted to leave them with the very best that love could provide… the Truth that would set them free. He was demonstrating to them what real love is, how real love acts.

Real love is selfless. It empties out itself in the service of others, and understands that abundance in life is obtained through giving, not getting. Real love experiences the peace and joy that comes by focusing on the needs, rights, and feelings of others and living to see them fulfilled.

Real love understands that self-centeredness is a cancer in the soul that consumes our personality and wastes our life. Just like cancer in the physical body, the cancer of self-centeredness crowds out everything and everyone else. It has a voracious appetite that can never be satisfied, no matter how many toys we have, how much fame, power or wealth we may acquire. In the end, just like physical cancer, self-centeredness will feed on our life until it destroys us.

Jesus wanted to show His disciples a more excellent way, a path to perfect freedom and complete life. He understood this way because He has lived it throughout eternity in the community of the Godhead. He knew that only selfless love could release His disciples to live forever free and be forever blessed with the riches of an abundant life beyond anything they could imagine.

He knew that in our own strength of character, none of us could attain this type of love, so he went to the cross, bore our weaknesses and failings, and gave to us the gift of real love. Through His death, we are all invited to die to our own self-centeredness and come alive to the reality of selfless love. In His sacrifice, we can all be set free from preoccupation with our needs, rights and feelings, and be filled to overflowing with life, joy, peace and contentment.

If you have never said “yes” to Jesus Christ, I encourage you on this Good Friday to take a few minutes and ask yourself, “Is my life consumed with me or am I fulfilled with real love?” If you're being consumed by the cancer of self-centeredness, come to the cross and allow Christ to immerse you in His death and fill you with His real love.

Come join us this Easter Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM. We have a powerful theatrical presentation, “What Did I Do with the Cross?” My message is, “Resurrection Life.”

Friday, April 11, 2014

Are You Bugged?

For those of us who depend on the Internet, the question “Are you bugged?” has become a very serious one in the last few days. It turns out that the lock that signals to us that a website will keep our information secure has actually left our private data unsecured for more than 2 years. The encryption technology that's supposed to keep us safe has been compromised by what is being called “the heartbleed bug.”

It isn't a virus that attacks your computer; rather it's a breach in the way the encryption system on websites works which can allow personal data such as passwords and credit cards to be compromised. Since the majority of Internet websites employ the compromised security system, hundreds or even thousands of websites may have been affected. The “bug” leaves no trail, so it's impossible to know if your information has been “bugged.”

The only thing that users can do is wait for websites to clear the bug from their systems, and then change all passwords on those sites that have our confidential information. It is also suggested that users monitor credit card statements and bank account information carefully for possible irregularities. Virtually everyone who uses the Internet has probably been affected, but it is impossible to tell how much personal data might have been compromised.

Awareness of the existence of the bug and vigilance, to determine if any of your information has been compromised is your best protection from possible damage by the heartbleed bug.

While this latest computer security breach is certainly serious and demands our attention and protective action, there is an even more widespread and pernicious “bug” that we are all exposed to, but few of us realize. It is called “spiritual warfare” and it is a battle that takes place in our minds.

Scripture warns us that we are fighting, not with other people, but with spiritual principalities and powers that are called “strongholds” and “high and lofty imaginations.” We are urged to tear down these forces that come against us, but many of us do not recognize them, for they are cleverly disguised, and like the “heartbleed bug” they don't leave a clear trail for us to detect.

Our best protection is first to remember that this warfare takes place in our minds. The spiritual forces “bug” us with thoughts that we automatically assume are our own. We find ourselves trapped with repetitive ideas of worry or fear. Our minds recycle memories of personal hurt that keep our anger and agitation stirred up. Our inner calm is disrupted, we are restless and have difficulty focusing or maintaining a positive outlook.

We need to remember that when we have negative thoughts we can't shake, our minds may very well be “bugged.” We can “debug” our minds by filling them with God's word. Meditating on God's promises of love, provision and protection is the most effective way to eradicate the “bugs” of spiritual warfare.

Are you bugged? Start spending time in God's word everyday. Focus on what He is saying to you, and those troublesome thoughts will stop bugging you!

Come join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM or our new afternoon service time at 1:00 PM. I will be discussing God’s wonderful promises available to us through our covenant in Christ Jesus. My sermon title is “Shadow and Substance.”

Pastor Che

Friday, April 4, 2014

From Dream to Destiny

Over 30 years ago as a young pastor, I received two powerful visions from the Lord. The first was the promise of my call to Southern California being followed by a great harvest of souls, and the second was establishing an apostolic base from which we would reach all the nations. I had many ideas about how and when these two visions would happen, but weeks turned into months and months turned into years and still my visions remained unfulfilled.

After several decades of patient obedience through times of blessing and times of discouragement, I have come to understand more fully that our visions are really bits and snatches of God's dream for us. His dream is so wonderful and vast that we are told, “No one’s eye has ever seen, no one's ear has ever heard, and no one's heart has ever imagined all the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

God does not deliberately hide His plans from us, but He can only reveal bits at a time because our minds and our hearts cannot contain the totality of His dream. We must progressively mature into a more complete and fuller understanding, so He reveals step-by-step how we are to proceed as He takes us from dream to destiny.

I've learned that reconciliation is at the heart of God’s dream. Through His mercy and loving kindness in Christ, He calls His human family back into a restored relationship with Himself, reversing the curse our sin brought upon us. In that reconciliation, He restores to us the blessing of our original dominion and prosperity. He also reconciles us to one another restoring family and community relationships. Finally, He reconciles us to ourselves, giving us His peace and making us whole physically and emotionally.

If we are obedient to follow His leading, He plots our course and fixes the path of our life so that we enter into the destiny He calls us to. Our destiny in the body of Christ is to co-labor with Him in His great dream. He gives to us the incredible privilege of representing Him to the rest of the world in His ministry of reconciliation.

“All things are from Father God, who through Christ has reconciled us to Himself, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. In Christ, God is reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us this message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” (2 Corinthians 5:18–20a)

At HRock Church an important next step in our destiny as co-laborers with God in His ministry of reconciliation is to become an apostolic reformation center. We are to train, equip and support an apostolic network that will reach the nations with the transforming power of God's call to reconciliation.

This Sunday, HRock Church will celebrate its 20th anniversary. We will have only two services, a morning service from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM and an afternoon service from 1 PM to 3 PM. We invite all of you to join us for a celebration reception from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. Some special guests will also join us, including His Honor, Bill Bogaard, Mayor of Pasadena. I will be speaking on our destiny as an apostolic reformation center. My sermon is “From Dream to Destiny.”

Pastor Che