This is a week of incredible celebration for my wife, Sue and I. Right now we are in the middle of our annual Revival Alliance Conference, enjoying a beautiful move of the Holy Spirit. We are also celebrating the 20th anniversary of HRock Church, and this Saturday, April 26, our son Gabriel will marry the love of his life, Monica Chang. Monica is everything we have prayed for in a mate for Gabe, and we couldn't be happier for him!
As I anticipate their wedding, my mind is full of joy and hope that they will find a timeless love and a lifelong companionship in their marriage relationship. This news story, that broke a few days ago, is a beautiful illustration of just that type of relationship.
Kenneth and Helen Felumlee from Ohio recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. They were inseparable since meeting as teenagers, and were still so in love that they held hands every morning at breakfast. Helen, 92, died of old age on April 12, and Kenneth, 91, died 15 hours later. The couple are survived by their 8 children, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
One daughter commented, “Those two were so close, they were really one. We knew when one went, the other was going to go. Twelve hours after Mom went, Dad quickly began to fade. He was ready. He just didn't want to leave Mom by herself.” She stated that 24 close family members and friends surrounded her father's bedside and sang his favorite hymns, read Scripture and prayed with him. Throughout their lifetimes both of her parents taught Sunday school and were actively involved in the local Methodist Church. Their story of committed love has received nearly 5000 comments.
As I contemplated their love and dedication to each other, the Lord said, “This is a picture of the relationship I always wanted between Me and you.” He reminded me that when He created Adam, He breathed the life of His very own spirit into Adam, and Adam became one spirit with Him.
However when Adam sinned, he was separated from God. None of us will ever realize the depth of grief that separation brought to God as He mourned the loss of His relationship with us. He chose to join us in death, taking our sin upon Himself and raising us up together with Him in His resurrection. In that action, God offers to join Himself to us again in spirit, if we will only say “I do” to His love proposal.
Father God makes it clear that just as two become one in marriage, we become one with God when we say “yes” to Him. (Ephesians 5:31–32) So next time you attend a wedding, remember that God offers all of us the opportunity to join ourselves to Him. When we become one with God, everything He has is ours, including His promise of eternal love. He can never leave or forsake us, for we two have become one.
Please join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM. We have two outstanding speakers and a special event! Dr. Hong will be speaking at 9:00 AM and Dr. Mark Chironna at 11:00 AM. The 1:00 PM service this week is the graduation ceremony for our School of Supernatural Ministry (SSM). Everyone is welcome to attend.
Pastor Che