Last week I wrote about Batkid Miles Scott, the six-year-old superhero who captured our hearts and saved San Francisco from crime. His story reminded us of the importance of living our dreams and the fact that Father God has a purpose and destiny for each of us that gives us a life worth living.
This week I want to focus on another young superhero, Patrick Doohan, the 8-year-old who saved the lives of 6 people from a raging fire. On January 19, Patrick was visiting his grandfather in Penfield, New York, when fire broke out in the trailer where his grandfather lived with several other people. Patrick was able to awaken 6 people and lead them to safety, including 2 young children 4 and 6 years old.
Once outside, Patrick realized that his grandfather, who was disabled, was still in the trailer, and he went back in to rescue him. Unfortunately both Patrick and his grandfather were overcome with heat and smoke and died in the fire.
Patrick's funeral was January 29 and firefighters from multiple jurisdictions attended in dress uniform. Patrick was given the title of honorary firefighter by the Penfield fire chief, who marveled at the courage and heroism Patrick displayed. He stated, “Patrick showed valor and strength and paid the ultimate sacrifice.”
As I heard Patrick's story, I too was amazed at the courage of this young child who was willing to risk his life to save his grandfather. I'm sure he understood that the fire was very dangerous, but something greater drew him back into the trailer to find his grandfather. I am convinced that “something greater” was love.
I found myself identifying the people I would be willing to run back into a fire to rescue. I have to admit that after naming my family members, my list thinned out quickly. My guess is that if honest, we would all admit that our list is quite short.
Imagine for a moment that the person in the fire is your enemy, someone who's been trying to kill you. Would you be willing to face a raging fire to save them?
On the night before He was crucified, knowing what He would face the next day, Jesus stated the ultimate human sacrifice His disciples could understand, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone would lay down their life for their friends.” (John 15:13)
But the next day He demonstrated the greatest love of all, by dying for His enemies. In agony on the cross, while His enemies mocked and hurled insults at Him, Jesus responded in love, “Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing.” (Luke 23:34)
Scripture tells us while we were still sinners and enemies of God, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Father God loves you so much that He displayed the greatest love of all, sacrificing His only Son to reconcile you to Himself. You are worth that much to Him! Let His love, the greatest love, touch your heart and reveal to you, your true value.
Please join us this Sunday as we conclude our annual Prophetic Voice Conference. We have outstanding guest speakers at each service: Jonathan Ngai at 9:00 AM, Charles Stock at 11:00 AM and Fernando Guillen at 2:00 PM.
Pastor Che