Deadly High Speed Train Crash in China
Stocks Sink on Debt Talks
Earthquake Strikes off Mexican Coast
Congressman to Resign Due to Sex Scandal
These are a few headlines I picked off a major internet news service today. Notice anything they have in common? They are all negative. I’m sure that’s not news to you. Anyone who follows the “news” for any time at all is well aware that, except for weather and sports which are variable, and an occasional human-interest story, the news is usually bad.
In fact, studies of newscasts reveal that there are 17 bad news stories broadcast for every good news story. Ever wonder why you don’t hear more “good news?” The answer is simple. “Good news” doesn’t sell. It doesn’t attract our attention the way bad news does.
Why are we so riveted to the negative? Researchers tell us that the primary motivator for our preoccupation with bad news is fear. We have a need to be vigilant for danger to insure our survival. So we are constantly on the alert for what is wrong, or what might go wrong.
If we lived in the wild, this type of vigilance might have some survival value, but in modern society it actually causes us harm. The more we focus on bad news, the more vigilant we become and the more we are convinced that we are in potential danger, even if we are not! Studies show that nightly news watchers significantly overestimate the rate of crime in their communities.
Feeding on fear elevates our body’s stress hormones and disrupts the balance we need to maintain for our physical and emotional health. It lowers the functioning of our immune system, increasing our risk for diseases like cancer, and slows our metabolism resulting in increased weight gain. Fear increases our sense of hopelessness and leads to feelings of depression and despair.
We are not designed to survive best through fear, but to thrive through love. This is not a warm, fuzzy thought, but a hard scientific fact. When we are involved in warm stable relationships and know we are loved, our bodies respond by coming into a healthy balance.
Love stimulates the production of killer T-cells that boost our immune system and build our resistance to all types of disease. It lowers our blood pressure and increases our levels of oxytocin, a “feel good” hormone that elevates our mood, and helps us to relax.
Contrary to the popular saying, no news is not good news. Love is good news and we need a steady diet of love to be healthy and happy. God understands this for He designed us to operate on love, not fear. He tells us not to fear over 300 times in the Bible. When He sent us His greatest gift of love, He told us, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will bring joy to all people. A Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10b-11)
To ensure that we will continue to focus on the good news of His love for us, He appoints evangelists in the Church. They share God’s heart of love with all who will hear, and encourage all of us to accept His free gift of abundant life in Christ Jesus. So remember, love is the good news, and God loves you!
Come join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM. One of our Pastors, David Richardson will discuss the office of evangelist and the many ways they share the “good news” (the gospel) today.